Every minute in the sun unprotected increases your risk of premature aging, skin cancer, and painful burns. Exposing your skin to the sun’s rays also weakens the immune system, reducing your defense against infection.As the summer months come into full swing, it is important to make sure we take the proper steps to take care of our skin. It is not just the heat that causes problems for our skin; it is primarily the change in our normal behavior. When it’s warmer out, we tend to partake in more outdoor activity, exposing ourselves to the dangers of our environment. For this reason, we need to make some small changes to our daily skin care routine to not only heal the damage that we incur, but also to take the steps to help avoid the damage all together. Heat causes damage to the skin and the sun is the cause of 90% of all skin cancers. During summer months, being exposed to the sun can cause serious damage and premature aging. In addition to protecting yourself from the dangerous UV rays, it is important to be sure to provide your skin the nutrients that it needs to not only survive these months, but also flourish. Here are a few helpful tips to help keep your skin looking healthy and radiant throughout the summer:
Wear Sunscreen! – Using at least SPF 30, with UVA/UVB protection, is one of the most important factors in keeping your skin healthy and radiant. A higher SPF is definitely recommended for areas that are exposed to the sun for longer periods (such as the face) and for those with fair skin. Be sure to reapply sunscreen after swimming or exercising for proper protection. Moisturize – Using the proper moisturizers for your face and body can help keep skin soft and supple, even in the driest summer months. Using a high-quality moisturizer on your face will increase moisture absorption and retention while improving skin tone and elasticity. Body lotion helps seal in moisture to prevent drying and soothes the skin to replenish rough areas.Exfoliate – Hot summer weather can take a toll on your skin. Be sure to slough off dead skin cells every few days to encourage healthy skin cell growth and produce good blood circulation. Use a gentle exfoliant on your face to avoid damage and keep your pores clear. Exfoliation also helps with uneven tone/skin discoloration and leads to visibly brighter skin.Use Lightweight Makeup – Heavy foundation is too much for summer. Consider using a lightweight foundation, such as a powder or tinted moisturizer rather than a liquid. Avoiding heavy makeup during the summer months will also help to avoid breakouts.Drink Plenty of Water – Maintaining a healthy balance of body fluids is always important. Fluid loss is accentuated in warmer weather, during strenuous exercise, and in high altitudes. water plays a key role in energizing muscles and keeping you skin healthy. Dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled, which can be improved with proper hydration. Choose a Healthy Diet – The food you eat to matters your skin just as much as it does to your waistline. Eat plenty of antioxidant-rich foods, such as tomatoes, berries, and plums, along with healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and salmon. Cutting down on saturated fat and boosting foods that are rich in anti-oxidants will remove the free radicals from your skin and body that cause you to age prematurely. A well-balanced diet can help you lose weight, live longer, feel better, and look younger.